Monday 13 April 2015

"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Twain: BerkeleyX Book Club

Amanda Kennedy
Link: "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Twain: BerkeleyX Book Club
May 1st sees the return of the BerkeleyX Book Club on EdX, a free four-week MOOC to read and discuss literature.

May’s book is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, followed in June by The Portrait of Dorian Grey; Dubliners in July; Dracula in August…

You could even earn a free certificate for your participation!

I’ve already completed A Christmas Carol and Frankenstein from previous courses (which I’m sure will be repeated later this year or next, if you want to try them too). Great fun for anyone wanting to brush up on classic works and discuss with others.

Amanda Kennedy / Book Blogger, Writer & Editor

Amanda is a lifelong learner and book lover who lives in the North of England with her family and several cats. She writes book reviews, literary news and bookish articles here on All My Pretty Books.

To learn more about Amanda's own work, visit her personal website.


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