Tuesday 1 August 2017

Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips - Book Review

Amanda Kennedy

Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips
Reviewed by Amanda Kennedy on 1st August, 2017

Fierce Kingdom was truly a joy-ride of a read. I simply could not put it down! It tapped into the very core of just how far a mother would go to protect her child, how people react in such a tense and terrifying situation. The REALITY of it, the raw terror and emotion. What a wonderfully executed story, I sincerely hope to read more from this author!

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Amanda Kennedy / Book Blogger, Writer & Editor

Amanda is a lifelong learner and book lover who lives in the North of England with her family and several cats. She writes book reviews, literary news and bookish articles here on All My Pretty Books.

To learn more about Amanda's own work, visit her personal website.


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